An open source edge computing platform for industrial users
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CACLThis class represents the ACL (Access Control List) as JSON object fetched from Fledge Storage
 CACL::ACLReasonThis class represents the ACL security change request
 CAggregateAggregate clause in a selection of records
 CAssetTrackerAsset tracking functionality
 CAssetTrackingTableA class to hold a set of asset tracking tuples that allows lookup by name
 CAttachDbSyncUsed to synchronize the attach database operation
 CAuditLoggerA singleton class for access to the audit logger within services
 CBearerTokenThis class represents a JWT bearer token
 CConfigHandlerHandler class within a service to manage configuration changes
 CConnectionManagerSingleton class to manage Postgres connection pool
 CDataBufferBuffer type for storage of arbitrary buffers of data within a datapoint
 CDatapointName and value pair used to represent a data value within an asset reading
 CDatapointValueClass to hold an actual reading value
 CDiskSpaceMonitorA class to monitor the free disk space used to store the various storage databases
 CDPImageSimple Image class that will be used within data points to store image data
 CExpressionClass that defines data to be inserted or updated in a column within the table
 CFilterPipelineUsed to represent a pipeline of filters applicable to a task/service
 CFledgeProcessFledge process base class
 CFormDataThis class represents a parsed HTTP form data uploaded to SimpleWeb::Server<SimpleWeb::HTTP
 Cstd::hash< AssetTrackingTuple * >
 Cstd::hash< AssetTrackingTuple >
 Cstd::hash< StorageAssetTrackingTuple * >
 Cstd::hash< StorageAssetTrackingTuple >
 CIngestRateA class used to track and report on the ingest rates of a data stream
 CInsertValueClass that defines data to be inserted or updated in a column within the table
 CJoinJoin clause representation
 CJSONPathA simple implementation of a JSON Path search mechanism to use alongside RapidJSON
 CLALookupLinked Asset Information class
 CLoggerFledge Logger class used to log to syslog
 CManagementApiManagement API server for a C++ microservice
 CManagementClientThe management client class used by services and tasks to communicate with the management API of the Fledge core microservice
 CMemConnectionManagerSingleton class to manage SQLite3 Memory connection pool
 COCSThe OCS class
 COMFThe OMF class
 COMFBufferBuffer class designed to hold OMF payloads that can grow as required but have minimal copy semantics
 COMFDataThe OMFData class
 COMFDataTypesPer asset dataTypes - This class is used in a std::map where assetName is a key
 COMFErrorAn encapsulation of an error return from an OMF call
 COMFHintVirtual base class for an OMF Hint
 COMFHintsA set of hints for a reading
 COMFInformationA class that holds the configuration information for the OMF plugin
 COMFLinkedDataThe OMFLinkedData class
 CPerformanceMonitorClass to handle the performance monitors
 CPipelineElementThe base pipeline element class
 CPIWebAPIThe PIWebAPI class
 CPluginA generic representation of a plugin
 CPLUGIN_ERRORStructure used by plugins to return error information
 CPLUGIN_INFORMATIONThe plugin infiornation structure, used to return information from a plugin during the laod and configuration stage
 Cplugin_parameterPass a name/value pair to a plugin
 CPluginHandleUsed to represent an opaque handle to a plugin instance
 CPluginManagerThe manager for plugins
 CPythonModuleThis class represents the loaded Python module with interpreter initialisation flag
 CQueryStorage layer query container
 CReadingAn asset reading represented as a class
 CReadingsCatalogueImplements the handling of multiples readings tables stored among multiple SQLite databases
 CReadingSetReading set class
 CReadingSetCircularBufferReading set circular buffer class
 CResultSetResult set
 CReturnsControl a returned column
 CSchemaRepresentation of an extension schema
 CSchemaManagerThe singleton SchemaManager class used to interact with the extension schemas created by various extension services
 CServiceHandlerServiceHandler abstract class - the interface that services using the management API must provide
 CServiceRegistryServiceRegistry Singleton class
 CSortSort clause in a selection of records
 CSQLBufferBuffer class designed to hold SQL statement that can as required but have minimal copy semantics
 CStorageApiThe Storage API class - this class is responsible for the registration of all API entry points in the storage API and the dispatch of those API calls to the internals of the storage service and the storage plugin itself
 CStorageClientClient for accessing the storage service
 CStorageConfigurationThe storage service must handle its own configuration differently to other services as it is unable to read the configuration from the database
 CStoragePluginConfigurationThe storage service must handle its own configuration differently to other services as it is unable to read the configuration from the database
 CStorageRegistryStorageRegistry - a class that manages requests from other microservices to register interest in new readings being inserted into the storage layer that match a given asset code, or any asset code "*"
 CTableReferenceClass used to store table references
 CTimebucketTimebucket clause in a selection of records
 CTrackingTupleTracking abstract base class to be passed in the process data queue
 CTransactionBoundaryThis class handles per thread started transaction boundaries:
 CUpdateModifierUpdate modifier
 CUpdateValueA value in an update statement
 CWhereWhere clause in a selection of records