1 #ifndef _SOUTH_SERVICE_H 2 #define _SOUTH_SERVICE_H 14 #include <south_plugin.h> 15 #include <service_handler.h> 16 #include <config_category.h> 18 #include <filter_plugin.h> 19 #include <plugin_data.h> 20 #include <audit_logger.h> 21 #include <perfmonitors.h> 23 #define MAX_SLEEP 5 // Maximum number of seconds the service will sleep during a poll cycle 25 #define SERVICE_NAME "Fledge South" 35 #define SOUTH_THROTTLE_HIGH_PERCENT 50 // Percentage above buffer threshold where we throttle down 36 #define SOUTH_THROTTLE_LOW_PERCENT 10 // Percentage above buffer threshold where we throttle up 37 #define SOUTH_THROTTLE_PERCENT 10 // The percentage we throttle poll by 38 #define SOUTH_THROTTLE_DOWN_INTERVAL 10 // Interval between throttle down attmepts 39 #define SOUTH_THROTTLE_UP_INTERVAL 15 // Interval between throttle up attempts 49 const std::string& token =
51 void start(std::string& coreAddress,
52 unsigned short corePort);
56 void configChange(
const std::string&,
const std::string&);
58 void configChildCreate(
const std::string&,
60 const std::string&){};
61 void configChildDelete(
const std::string&,
62 const std::string&){};
63 bool isRunning() {
return !m_shutdown; };
64 bool setPoint(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value);
65 bool operation(
const std::string& name, std::vector<PLUGIN_PARAMETER *>& );
66 void setDryRun() { m_dryRun =
true; };
72 int createTimerFd(
struct timeval rate);
74 std::string parent_name,
75 std::string current_name);
77 void processNumberList(
const ConfigCategory& cateogry,
const std::string& item, std::vector<unsigned long>& list);
78 void calculateTimerRate();
79 bool syncToNextPoll();
81 void checkPendingReconfigure();
83 std::thread *m_reconfThread;
84 std::deque<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> m_pendingNewConfig;
85 std::mutex m_pendingNewConfigMutex;
86 std::condition_variable m_cvNewReconf;
94 unsigned long m_readingsPerSec;
95 unsigned int m_threshold;
96 unsigned long m_timeout;
100 unsigned int m_highWater;
101 unsigned int m_lowWater;
102 struct timeval m_lastThrottle;
103 struct timeval m_desiredRate;
104 struct timeval m_currentRate;
106 const std::string m_token;
107 unsigned int m_repeatCnt;
109 std::string m_dataKey;
111 bool m_requestRestart;
112 std::string m_rateUnits;
115 std::vector<unsigned long> m_hours;
116 std::vector<unsigned long> m_minutes;
117 std::vector<unsigned long> m_seconds;
118 std::string m_hoursStr;
119 std::string m_minutesStr;
120 std::string m_secondsStr;
121 std::condition_variable m_pollCV;
122 std::mutex m_pollMutex;
Fledge Logger class used to log to syslog.
Definition: logger.h:26
bool operation(const std::string &name, std::vector< PLUGIN_PARAMETER *> &)
Perform an operation on the south plugin.
Definition: south.cpp:1413
Definition: config_category.h:236
Definition: config_category.h:56
Class that represents a south plugin.
Definition: south_plugin.h:33
void configChange(const std::string &, const std::string &)
Configuration change notification using a separate thread.
Definition: south.cpp:1138
void restart()
Restart request.
Definition: south.cpp:896
void shutdown()
Shutdown request.
Definition: south.cpp:875
void processConfigChange(const std::string &, const std::string &)
Configuration change notification.
Definition: south.cpp:912
SouthService(const std::string &name, const std::string &token="")
Constructor for the south service.
Definition: south.cpp:247
virtual ~SouthService()
Destructor for south service.
Definition: south.cpp:275
Definition: plugin_data.h:15
void stop()
Stop the storage service/.
Definition: south.cpp:761
The ingest class is used to ingest asset readings.
Definition: ingest.h:56
The SouthService class.
Definition: south_service.h:46
A singleton class for access to the audit logger within services.
Definition: audit_logger.h:21
bool setPoint(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Perform a setPoint operation on the south plugin.
Definition: south.cpp:1393
void handlePendingReconf()
Handle configuration change notification; called by reconf thread Waits for some reconf operation(s) ...
Definition: south.cpp:1096
The AssetTracker class provides the asset tracking functionality.
Definition: asset_tracking.h:239
ServiceAuthHandler adds security to the base class ServiceHandler.
Definition: service_handler.h:35
void start(std::string &coreAddress, unsigned short corePort)
Start the south service.
Definition: south.cpp:299