An open source edge computing platform for industrial users
ResultSet Member List

This is the complete list of members for ResultSet, including all inherited members.

columnCount() const (defined in ResultSet)ResultSetinline
columnName(unsigned int column) constResultSet
columnType(unsigned int column) constResultSet
columnType(const std::string &name) const (defined in ResultSet)ResultSet
findColumn(const std::string &name) constResultSet
hasNextRow(RowIterator it) constResultSet
isLastRow(RowIterator it) constResultSet
nextRow(RowIterator it)ResultSet
operator[](unsigned long rowNo) (defined in ResultSet)ResultSetinline
ResultSet(const std::string &json)ResultSet
rowCount() const (defined in ResultSet)ResultSetinline
RowIterator typedef (defined in ResultSet)ResultSet